Thomas Peterson for Mayor

Anoka needs a new mayor. As a French Bulldog, I feel I am suitably qualified. I know how to sit, shake hands, and, in an emergency, play dead. Additionally, I promise that I won't roll over on any issue.

Mystery Dog

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Have you ever been to the Winchester Mystery House? I haven't, but I really want to go. From what I've read, it would be perfect for a little doggie like me. It's spacious and has plenty of carpeting. Plus, there are lots of nooks where I can relax without being bothered. I guess a lot of people are fascinated with the place.

Since my relationship with the governor of California is tenuous at best, I won't be travelling there soon. I'm thinking about installing a few hidden passageways in my own house. I'll put one in the bathroom and I'll also install one in my kennel leading to the backyard. Using a candlestick as the switch seems dumb, though. I think I'll use a Nylabone.


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