Thomas Peterson for Mayor

Anoka needs a new mayor. As a French Bulldog, I feel I am suitably qualified. I know how to sit, shake hands, and, in an emergency, play dead. Additionally, I promise that I won't roll over on any issue.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

My campaign manager ignored me all day while he cleaned and reorganized his living quarters. I don't like being ignored. Ignorance may be bliss, but being ignored just makes me sad. I think tomorrow I will ignore him. Whenever he calls my name, I'll pretend I don't hear him, or maybe I'll pee on his shoes. That's how politics works. If you ignore me or disagree with me, I pee on your shoes. On the other paw, if you listen to me and support my ideas, then I might let you scratch my ears once in a while.


Blogger Messed Up said...

LOL so very true.

Blogger Thomas Peterson said...

I am glad you see things my way, Chuck. I might let you scratch my ears sometime.


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