The Eye of the Tiger
Monday, June 12, 2006

Raise your paw if you think cats are a little creepy. Even though I'm a tough scrapper, I wouldn't want to cross this kitty in a dark alley. No way. Photos like this make me glad that I have protection.
Anoka needs a new mayor. As a French Bulldog, I feel I am suitably qualified. I know how to sit, shake hands, and, in an emergency, play dead. Additionally, I promise that I won't roll over on any issue.
Have no fear - Mr. Soon-to-be-Mayor - I've just dispatched a Canine parimeter team to ferret-out, er, cat-out that alley and 'mark' any suspected kitty-hangout spots.
Also, A.R.F. Research and Devevlopment is currently working on cat-nip decoys. Hopefully, they will be ready before any canine/creepy-cat tensions escelate.
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