Thomas Peterson for Mayor

Anoka needs a new mayor. As a French Bulldog, I feel I am suitably qualified. I know how to sit, shake hands, and, in an emergency, play dead. Additionally, I promise that I won't roll over on any issue.

An Earful of Support

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Last night my campaign manager removed the furnace air filter for probably the first time ever, and now it sounds like a jet plane is launching in my kennel. Thank you, campaign manager. Don't you know I have sensitive bat ears?

These ears of mine are a fierce political weapon. I can hear whispered conspiratorial conversations from across the room, and no one can sneak up behind me - unless I'm deep in thought. Or eating. On a clear day, if I tilt my head just right, I can even listen to NPR, which is handy for keeping up-to-date with current political going-ons.

So please, kind supporters, when you meet me in the streets, resist the urge to scream with joy. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but it hurts my ears.


Blogger Daisy the Boston Terrier said...

I totally understand you pain, I also have sensitive bat ears. I think they are a sign of dignity and refinement, a good quality in a mayoral candidate.


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