Memorial Day and Rabbit Revenge
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Well, I'm back. It was a busy few days away, and I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to blog while I was on the campaign trail. I spent most of Memorial Weekend visiting old war heroes and making appearances at Unknown Soldiers' graves. My saluting paw is tired. It surprised me how many dead people there are to visit. I don't think I saw them all, but I did my best to show up for the ceremonies where the press was also most likely to show up.
While I was gone, the rabbits formed a coup and attempted to annex my backyard for their own private nation. Fortunately, I returned in time to prevent the revolution, but their leader escaped. I'm sure he will come again with renewed forces.
Ever since the snow melted, I have been waging a war of diplomacy with these sneaky lagomorphs. I'm beginning to think that more drastic measures are required. Sometimes negotiations can bear no fruit, and it takes a wise dog to recognize that a more forceful means of conversation may become necessary.
Daisy here has a similar problem with squirrels, and she has the right idea. I don't necessarily agree with her war-time slogan: "All Squirrels Must Die." That's a little harsh for the politician in me. I think my motto will be "Rabbits, Go Home!" Or maybe just a sign in my yard that says, "No Hop for Rabbits."
While I was gone, the rabbits formed a coup and attempted to annex my backyard for their own private nation. Fortunately, I returned in time to prevent the revolution, but their leader escaped. I'm sure he will come again with renewed forces.

Daisy here has a similar problem with squirrels, and she has the right idea. I don't necessarily agree with her war-time slogan: "All Squirrels Must Die." That's a little harsh for the politician in me. I think my motto will be "Rabbits, Go Home!" Or maybe just a sign in my yard that says, "No Hop for Rabbits."
I know how you feel, Thomas. However docile and snuggly the rabbits act, you must remain suspicious.
As for squirrels, be doubly cautious. Squirrel/Dog tensions have been increasing.
Also - forgot to mention - my mom and I made a campaign button for you. (Hope you like it!) It's on my sidebar. Feel free to snag it and use it as you'd like.
Just let me know if you need a hand.
Here are three suggestion that might help you out.
1. Make sure to mark the perimeter excessively so that the little punks know that your there and that you're packin' some heat.
2. Try to make frequent trips into the annexed portion so that they will know that you are aware of the situation and have them under surveillance.
3. You can also destroy a stuffed animal that bears a resemblance to them and leave the remains in the area as a warning.
Other than these ideas I can only wish you luck. They're sneaky little buggers.
Brody, I love the campaign button and appreciate the time and obvious effort you've put into creating that circular work of art. Clearly, you are a skilled bodyguard.
Daisy, that's some excellent advice. I will get to marking right away.
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