Remember the Dogs
Friday, September 01, 2006
An open letter to all grafitti artists.
I can sympathize with your instinctual desire to mark territory. Sometimes the urge to lift your leg is too strong to resist, especially when you're in a pet store and some punk chihuahua tries to claim the dog food aisle as his own - even though he knows there's no way his scrawny ten pound frame would stand a chance against a bulldog like me. (I digress.)
Dear grafitti artists, please, when facing the urge to tag a building or wall, remember the dogs. We may mark, but, as a courtesy, we always leave room for others. You should ask yourself, if I mark with paint, is there room for others to also share? The answer, obviously, is no.
Instead of a can of spraypaint, why not try using your body odor? Rub your armpit on the wall. You can satisfy the marking urge but still remain courteous to others.
Better yet, put your marking tendencies to even an more constructive endeavor and run for public office.

Dear grafitti artists, please, when facing the urge to tag a building or wall, remember the dogs. We may mark, but, as a courtesy, we always leave room for others. You should ask yourself, if I mark with paint, is there room for others to also share? The answer, obviously, is no.
Instead of a can of spraypaint, why not try using your body odor? Rub your armpit on the wall. You can satisfy the marking urge but still remain courteous to others.
Better yet, put your marking tendencies to even an more constructive endeavor and run for public office.
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