Thomas Peterson for Mayor

Anoka needs a new mayor. As a French Bulldog, I feel I am suitably qualified. I know how to sit, shake hands, and, in an emergency, play dead. Additionally, I promise that I won't roll over on any issue.

Turning up the Crockpot

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My staff and I are back from an extended weekend vacation, and I'm ready to fling myself headlong into the campaign fray. Even though my offices were closed for the Labor Day holiday, I couldn't stop thinking about work. The political crockpot in Anoka is heating up.

Because of the number of candidates, the city may require a primary election for city counsel slots this year. As long as I can remember (two and a half years, although those first few months are fuzzy), Anoka has held a primary election for city counsel. That's crazy talk, you may say, but it's true.

Why are there so many politically involved Anokans? Is it something in the water? It could be. If you asked me before I started drinking Anoka water if I would ever want to run for public office, I would have barked in your face. Or maybe it's because of the Anoka Halloween parades. Everyone knows a parade is the best way to encourage blind patriotism.

Whatever the reason, it's an exciting place to live if you're involved in local politics, especially when you're a dog.


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